SMS Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri

Koleksi Super Lengkap SMS Ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri (Lebaran)

Kata telah terucap, tangan telah tergerak, prasangka telah terungkap,
Tiada kata, Kecuali “saling maaf” jalin ukhuwah & kasih sayang raih
indahnya kemenangan hakiki, Selamat Hari Raya Iedul Fitri

Selamat Hari …… ,
Marilah Kita saling mengasihi n memaafkan…
Ku tau kau telah banyak berbuat salah Dan dosa kepadaku, sering meminjam
duit n Ga ngembaliin, pake motor Ga pernah isi bensin, tapi tak usah
risau… Ku t`lah memaafkanmu. ..

” Sepuluh jari tersusun rapi.. Bunga melati pengharum hati .. SMS dikirim
pengganti diri… Memohon maaf setulus hati … Mohon Maaf Lahir Dan Batin
.. Met Idul Fitri …

Sejalan dengan berlalunya Ramadhan tahun ini
Kemenangan akan kita gapai
Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu
Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT
Kami sekeluarga menghaturkan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H
Taqobalallahu minna wa minkum
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin

Andai jemari tak smpt berjabat,andai raga tak dpt b’tatap
Seiring beduk yg mgema,sruan takbir yg berkumandang
Kuhaturkan salam menyambut Hari raya idul fitri,jk Ada kata serta khilafku
membekas lara mhn maaf lahir batin.

Kumpulan ucapan minta maaf Lebaran Rumah Islami lewat sms

Mawar berseri dipagi Hari
Pancaran putihnya menyapa nurani
Sms dikirim pengganti diri

تقبل الله منا ومنك
Selamat hari raya idul fitri 1429H.
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin ya..

Sebelum Ramadhan pergi
Sebelum Idul fitri datang
Sebelum operator sibuk
Sebelum sms pending mulu
Sebelum pulsa habis

Aneka sms ucapan selamat Lebaran Rumah Islami

Jika HATI sejernih AIR, jangan biarkan IA keruh,
Jika HATI seputih AWAN, jangan biarkan dia mendung,
Jika HATI seindah BULAN, hiasi IA dengan IMAN.
Mohon Maaf lahir Dan batin

Menyambung kasih, merajut cinta, beralas ikhlas, beratap DOA.
Semasa hidup bersimbah khilaf & dosa, berharap dibasuh maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Mata kadang salah melihat. Mulut kadang salah berucap. Hati kadang salah menduga. Maafkan segala kekhilafan. Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1430H. Maafin ya.

Melati semerbak harum mewangi,
Sebagai penghias di Hari fitri,
SMS ini hadir pengganti diri,
Ulurkan tangan silaturahmi.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Sebelas bulan Kita kejar dunia,
Kita umbar napsu angkara.
Sebulan penuh Kita gelar puasa,
Kita bakar segala dosa.
Sebelas bulan Kita sebar dengki Dan prasangka,
Sebulan penuh Kita tebar kasih sayang sesama.
Dua belas bulan Kita berinteraksi penuh salah Dan khilaf,
Di Hari suci nan fitri ini, Kita cuci hati, Kita buka pintu maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir Dan batin

SMS Selamat Idul Fitri 1430 Hijriah indah

Andai jemari tak sempat berjabat.
Jika raga tak bisa bersua.
Bila Ada kata membekas luka.
Semoga pintu maaf masih terbuka.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Ucapan Lebaran Bahasa Inggris Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin Selamat Idul Fitri

Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things work.
Love makes all things beautiful.
May you have all of the three.
Happy Iedul Fitri.”

Walopun operator sibuk n’ sms pending terus,
Kami sekeluarga tetap kekeuh mengucapkan
Selamat Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir Dan batin

Bila kata merangkai dusta..
Bila langkah membekas lara…
Bila hati penuh prasangka…
Dan bila Ada langkah yang menoreh luka.
Mohon bukakan pintu maaf…
Selamat Idul Fitri Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

Fitrah sejati adalah meng-Akbarkan Allah..
Dan Syariat-Nya di alam jiwa..
Di dunia nyata, dalam segala gerak..
Di sepanjang nafas Dan langkah..
Semoga seperti itulah diri Kita di Hari kemenangan ini..
Selamat Idul Fitri Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

Kumpulan SMS Lebaran 1430H

Waktu mengalir bagaikan air
Ramadhan suci akan berakhir
Tuk salah yg pernah Ada
Tuk khilaf yg sempat terucap
Pintu maaf selalu kuharap
Met Idul Fitri

Walaupun Hati gak sebening XL Dan secerah MENTARI.
Banyak khilaf yang buat FREN kecewa,
Kuminta SIMPATI-mu untuk BEBAS kan dari ROAMING dosa
Dan Kita semua hanya bisa mengangkat JEMPOL kepadaNya
Yang selalu membuat Kita HOKI dalam mencari kartu AS
Selama Kita hidup karena Kita harus FLEXIbel
Untuk menerima semua pemberianNYA Dan menjalani
MATRIX kehidupan ini…Dan semoga amal Kita tidak ESIA-ESIA…
Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin.

Rangkaian indah SMS Lebaran kata-kata ucapan selamat idul fitri

Satukan tangan,satukan hati
Itulah indahnya silaturahmi
Di Hari kemenangan Kita padukan
Keikhlasan untuk saling memaafkan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

MTV bilang kalo MO minta maap g ush nunggu lebaran
Org bijak blg kerennya kalo mnt maap duluan
Ust. Jefri blg org cakep mnt maap gk prl disuruh
Kyai blg org jujur Ga perlu malu utk minta maap
Jd krn Mrs anak nongkrong yg jujur, keren cakep Dan baek
Ya gw ngucapin minal aidzin wal faizin , mohon maaf lahir Dan batin ..

Dia Pergi dengan bersahaja. Meninggalkan berkah & penampunan. Meninngalkan jejak pahala. Membawa mimpi surga ! SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin

Satu yang pasti dalam hidup: kita akan kembali kepada-Nya. Mumpung masih hidup Ayo sirahturahmi di hari yang fitri. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin.

Ucapan Lebaran lewat SMS Selamat Idul Fitri Rumah Islami

Masa aktif Hidup anda hampir berakhir, saldo dosa anda makin meningkat, di hari yang fitri ini raih kesempatan untuk meningkatkan saldo Iman. Isi ulang dengan sirahturahmi. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin

Terselip khilaf dalam candaku. Tergores luka dalam tawaku, terbelit pilu dalam tingkahku, tersinggung rasa dalam bicaraku. Hari kemenangan telah tiba, moga segala dosa & kesalahan kita terampuni. Mari bersama kita bersihkan dihari yang fitri. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin

Takbir, tahmid, tahlil tlah berkumandang. Memecah keheningan malam, mengantar rasa syukur padaNya. Esok pagi menyambut hari yang fitri, selamat hari lebaran 1430 H taqaballahu mina wa minkum, mohon maaf lahir dan batin

Menjelang Lebaran, Sebelum Sinyal Hilang, Sebelum Operator Sibuk, Sebelum SMS pending mulu, Saya mo ngucapin . Met Idul Fitri, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Tiada gembira yang menggelora, tiada senang yang mengangkasa, selain kita telah kembali pada fitrah dan ampunanNya. Taqaballahu mina wa minkum, selamat Idul Fitri 1430H, minal aidzin wal faizin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin

Ucapan Lebaran Bahasa Daerah

Cangkem iki sering nggedabrus, utek iki sering mikir sing elek. Minal aidzin wal faidzin. Mohon maaf lahir batin.

Beningkan hati dg dzikir
Cerahkan jiwa dg cinta
Lalui hr dg senyum
Tetapkan langkah dg syukur
Sucikan hati dg permohonan maaf
mEt hArI RaYa IduL fiTrI
TaqobbaLallaHu minNa wA MinKuM
Minal AidziN WaL FaidziN
Mhn MaaF LahiR n BaTiN “;)

Andai jemari tak sempat berjabat, andai raga tak dapat bertatap, seiring bedug yang menggema, seruan takbir yang berkumandang, kuhaturkan salam menyambut hari raya idul fitri, jika ada kata serta khilafku membekas lara, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Posted on 6:20 AM / 0 comments / Read More

HTC EVO 3D allows users to easily remove preinstalled apps

HTC EVO 3D allows users to easily remove preinstalled apps

Good news for those of you braving the elements to pick up an HTC EVO 3D tomorrow: it seems that Sprint and HTC have made it possible to delete just about every piece of bloatware preinstalled software that's included with the EVO 3D. Normally the only way to remove these apps is by rooting your device of choice and going from there, but with an EVO 3D all that you need to do is head into Settings and then Applications, select an app, and hit Uninstall. Easy peasy! The only preinstalled app that can't be removed is Sprint ID, but since we've been given the ability to delete every single other bit of bloatware, we'll let that one slide.

Although some may get occasional use out of carrier preinstalled apps, many folks wish that there were an easy way to remove the software either to free up some memory or simply to unclutter an app drawer. Sprint and HTC have given users just that with the EVO 3D, so good on them for giving their customers more choice. Now we just have to sit and hope that other manufacturers and carriers will follow suit.

by: Android Central Forums
Posted on 1:35 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Homestar Spa Sega Toys

Homestar Spa Sega Toys

Wash away the day’s stress with a relaxing bath, made even more calming and restorative with the Homestar Spa from Sega Toys.
The Homestar Spa, part of Segatoys’ renowned line of home planetariums, is a floating projector that can fill the ceiling with a beautiful, starry scene. Or for a different feel, switch the star disk with the included Rose Bath or Deep Blue disk, then turn the Homestar Spa over to illuminate the bathwater with romantic pink roses or a calming ocean scene.
  • treat yourself to some decadent relaxation without heading to the spa
  • a thoughtful gift for a friend who’s going through a difficult time
  • the floating ring can also function as a stand, letting you use your Homestar Spa as a night light

Other Details

(W)210 x (H)140 x (D)210mm
Projection Method:
Projection Distance:
1m ~ 1m50cm
Projection Range:
1m ~ 1m50cm
Projection Film:
"Bath Star" (star-filled night sky) "Rose Bath" (Rose Bath) "Deep Blue" (deep)
Power :
AA battery x 3
Posted on 3:09 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Sega Toys Homestar Pro 2nd Edition Home Planetarium

Sega Toys Homestar Pro 2nd Edition Home Planetarium

Relax under the beautiful night sky, even on cloudy or rainy nights, with the Sega Homestar Pro 2nd edition planetarium projector.
Treat yourself to a calming and beautiful display of 60,000 stars, even more than are visible to the naked eye. Or slip in the Earth disk for a stunning view of our home from space. Want to share the beauty with other star-loving friends? It’s not a problem, since the Homestar Pro is light, compact and perfectly portable. 
  • home planetariums are a thoughtful gift for star lovers, especially those living in a city or frequently cloudy area
  • help restless children drift off to sleep with the slowly rotating star scene
  • captivate your science students by bringing your Homestar Pro to the classroom
  • comes with 3 disks (black & white, black & white with constellation outlines, and color Earth & Moon) for an even more immersive viewing experience
  • make a wish – this Homestar planetarium can display meteors at random intervals
  • fall asleep under the stars and let the timer mode turn the planetarium off for you
  • from renowned planetarium designer Takayuki Ohira

Other Details

(W)167 x (H)159 x (D)151mm
Projection Type:
Number of Stars:
60.000 stars
Projection Range:
270 cm maximum circular diameter
Projection Distance:
Between 2m ~ 2m30cm
Meteor Function:
Rotation Function:
Angle Adjustment:
Focus Adjustment:
Timer Function:
15/30/60 minutes
Projection Lenses:
6 lenses
Light Source:
3W powerful white LED lights
Power Source:
AC adapter 100V
Japanese sky projection negative x 1, Japanese sky with horoscope signs projection negative x 1, Earth and Moon projection negative x 1
Posted on 2:36 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Navarre Bluetooth R/C Ferrari

Navarre Bluetooth R/C Ferrari

Experience the next generation of remote-controlled action with this sleek Silverlit Bluetooth-controlled Ferrari. Use your Apple iPad, iPod touch or iPhone and full gesture control for a realistic virtual driving experience, complete with sound effects and vibrations.

Enzo Ferrari-inspired design

Virtual joystick and full gesture control for versatile, customized control

Force feedback lets you feel vibrations in the palm of your hand

Sound effects

Compatible with iPhone 3GS (8GB, 16GB, 32GB), iPhone 4 (16GB, 32GB), iPod touch 3rd generation (32GB, 64GB) and 4th generation (8GB, 32GB, 64GB), iPad 1 and 2

Includes downloadable app

Includes batteries

Assembly Required:     No
Batteries Included:     Yes
Posted on 2:14 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Tokyoflash Kisai Escape C Bluetooth Necklace

Tokyoflash Kisai Escape C Bluetooth Necklace

Tokyoflash, the company who have set a milestone producing alien-technology watch and most of them has been included into our hardest to read watches article, has released a new bluetooth gadgets called Kisai Escape C Bluetooth Necklace.

I guess this is the first gadget produced by Tokyoflash that has nothing to do with wrist watch. The Tokyoflash Kisai Escape C Bluetooth Necklace looks very futuristic and share the look of something that you can find in the Science Fiction movies.

The purpose of this bluetooth gadget is to be a ‘bridge’ between your Bluetooth Enabled mobile phone (Also works with iPhone and iPod Touch) and your headphone or microphone.

The beauty of this gadget is the ‘bridge’ length. Tokyoflash Kisai Escape C Bluetooth Necklace allow you to connect to bluetooth devices up to thirty three feet away. However, this device is not come with a cheap price. Tokyoflash Kisai Escape C Bluetooth Necklace will be yours if you are willing to pay $180.
Posted on 1:16 AM / 0 comments / Read More
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